Tuesday, 25 January 2011



an authorized ESABEE trader

ESABEE was founded in 2008 and within its short history, is fast becoming one of the fastest growing independent trading and supply companies with a turnover approaching S$10million in the first year alone! ESABEE products are powered by the latest nutritional discoveries in MicroAlgae, together with top quality ingredients that are sourced from all parts of the world and manufactured in Malaysia in compliance with GMP guidelines. The company moves to do this with the rationale and purpose in being able to deliver premium quality products at reasonable cost.

MicroAlgae are actually microscopic forms of algae and they have been around for a few billion years. They are one of the earliest and simplest forms of life on the planet. Harnessing the power of MicroAlgae, we aim to bring life by bringing to the man-on-the-street, SIMPLE, ACTION-ORIENTED, BALANCE life-improving opportunities. 

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